Saturday, March 29, 2008

Transit Camp -part 1

Inside Dharavi, nested between Mahatma Ghandi and 90 feet road, more then 60.000 people live in a nagar called Transit Camp. From the map, the grid structure of streets with housing blocks gives the idea of a structured area. But streets are not just streets, blocks are not just blocks and in between happens something that is related to changeability and identity.A part of a street becomes a temple, streets become a factory for a certain product, open spaces change every time by desired need. Hindus, muslims and christians peacefully live together, spread out over the 12 blocks originally planned by the Bombay Municiple Cooporation some 30-40 years ago.Meanwhile, a 13th block has been attached to the former grid, lacking the apparently clear structure of other blocks, but with more open public spaces inside. The nagar has a history with people coming and going; perhaps that's the reason why it's called Transit Camp. And still, workers in the zawira and garment sector come from distant places in the north to work here for a couple of months and then return to their families. Others, like the ' monkey ' people from the south, made a transition in profession inside the camp in order to survive. As the close(d) community of Transit Camp distinguish theirselves from the rest of Dharavi, 3 classes can be distinguished inside the nagar.The classes can be directly related to their position in the real estate, where in the lowest class consists of households that do not own a house, but pay rent.

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