Saturday, February 16, 2008

एक्ष्पेरिएन्किन्ग् स्पस

Darkness, confused, muscles, senses, pieces of human beings scattered. Words that got another meaning after Susanna Rechhia came along my path. At least in a different sense. ' Crawling in the dark, not prepared for the known, trying to search for boundaries which aren't set'। Excercises were done to explore the sensation, presence and content of the human body and it's surrounding space.Through the outside, one becomes aware of the inside in different ways. Senses, emotions and influences penetrate, block, connect and reflect. The outside is experienced differently by an awakened awareness, that was slumbering for quite some time but always was.Yet outside doesn't always mean outside for it could exist within the inside. 'Stretching pieces of mine that clinched and touched mostly recognizable warm and soft elements of oneother, resulted in different reactions and emotions'। The human body occupies a certain amount of space, but triggered by its forms and positions, the shape of space differs as an amorph organism। Through a mutual relationship, the surrounding space affects the human body aswell. ' In the end, the understanding and experience of the human body and it's complex relationship with the space, makes one truly aware of the meaning of being'.

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