Saturday, March 29, 2008

just a thought

Today I saw one of those places above your imagination. You try to picture a certain situation or place with knowledge and the fantasy you have, and you discover that it's out of your league. The world you predicted to know has enlarged once again. This time it was a dark labyrinth, completely inside the fortress of brick constructed houses, where you have to guess what is a street or not, and wanders where light would start to shine again. Small streets, sometimes some stone plates over the watersystem, crossing and cutting each other, leading to places you can't foretell. The presence of little lit shops and people walking through confirms the fact that this kind of infrastructure isn't private, but at the same time evokes such an intimacy that I cannot call it public either. I remembered that during the lecture ' streets' by Valerio Franzone he emphasized the vitality of the street, and it's character of not being a void but something 'massive'. I cannot say that the streets I described above were masive or a void; they were both at the same time. Cutted inside a massive block of brick, they seem empty. But inside those streets, life filled them with mass.

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